Calling All Artists
Explore. Donate. Exhibit.
Help us shed light on cannabis issues through the fusion of art and information. Core is seeking talented artists for our next exhibition, and we’d love to hear your ideas.
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Current and Past Exhibits:

AMERICAN WARDEN urges guests to scrutinize incarceration in America against the backdrop of cannabis prohibition. While many states have now legalized or decriminalized cannabis, the number of arrests for possession and distribution are still alarmingly high and Thousands of humans are currently incarcerated for cannabis related offenses. These facts are disturbingly juxtaposed against the multibillion-dollar cannabis industry that currently benefits industry giants as well as state and federal tax authorities.
American Warden opened in March 2021 and has been featured in the Boston Globe. Core was named Best Cannabis Museum in the country by Thrillist and has been visited by Paul Pierce, David Ortiz, Ben (& Jerry’s), Steve D’Angelo, Mayor of Boston, Kim Janey, Representative Ayanna Pressley, and many more influential individuals.

SEED 2 SOUL, 2024
SEED 2 SOUL peers into the elaborate process at work whenever we engage with cannabis. This intricate dance between earth, plant, sun, and human is complex, curious and full of dazzling interactions at every turn. The contemplation of the bacteria/fungi/root relationship, or the trichome/resin/endocannabinoid system interaction can be pondered infinitely.