Core Empowerment

Tomorrow night! Come join us for comedy from some of Portland’s funniest comedians, @topherneuguth @groptimum @tomshaw.comedy @thetimmytrain @danieljosephjordan @drewstah8 All are welcome, so bring a friend or two! #portlandmaine #downtownportlandme

Tomorrow night! Come join us for comedy from some of Portland’s funniest comedians, @topherneuguth @groptimum @tomshaw.comedy @thetimmytrain @danieljosephjordan @drewstah8 All are welcome, so bring a friend or two! #portlandmaine #downtownportlandme

Tomorrow night! Come join us for comedy from some of Portland’s funniest comedians, @topherneuguth @groptimum @tomshaw.comedy @thetimmytrain @danieljosephjordan @drewstah8

All are welcome, so bring a friend or two!
#portlandmaine #downtownportlandme

Basket raffle goodness! Buy $20 of tickets and get a free cider or hot cocoa! We’ll be drawing winners at 4:30. Our vendors are ready to sell their beautiful crafts. Come early and beat the weather! Thank you to @floatharder @beewellmassageandyoga @portlandpottery @brokenarrowme @empirechinesekitchen @brunosmaine @mariasrestaurantportland @rootedremedi for their donations to our basket raffle! 555 Congress Street, Portland ME #crafts #thingstodoinportlandmaine #downtownportlandme

Basket raffle goodness! Buy $20 of tickets and get a free cider or hot cocoa! We’ll be drawing winners at 4:30. Our vendors are ready to sell their beautiful crafts. Come early and beat the weather! Thank you to @floatharder @beewellmassageandyoga @portlandpottery @brokenarrowme @empirechinesekitchen @brunosmaine @mariasrestaurantportland @rootedremedi for their donations to our basket raffle! 555 Congress Street, Portland ME #crafts #thingstodoinportlandmaine #downtownportlandme

Basket raffle goodness! Buy $20 of tickets and get a free cider or hot cocoa! We’ll be drawing winners at 4:30. Our vendors are ready to sell their beautiful crafts. Come early and beat the weather! Thank you to @floatharder
@beewellmassageandyoga @portlandpottery
@brokenarrowme @empirechinesekitchen @brunosmaine @mariasrestaurantportland @rootedremedi for their donations to our basket raffle!

555 Congress Street, Portland ME

#crafts #thingstodoinportlandmaine #downtownportlandme

Not much time left! Our Winter Wonderland Market kicks off tomorrow at 11 am, at 555 Congress Street!! Come get some yummy treats, check out our amazing craft vendors, and try your luck at our basket raffle. Everyone is welcome, we can’t wait to see you! #thingstodoinportlandmaine #portlandmaine #holiday

Not much time left! Our Winter Wonderland Market kicks off tomorrow at 11 am, at 555 Congress Street!! Come get some yummy treats, check out our amazing craft vendors, and try your luck at our basket raffle. Everyone is welcome, we can’t wait to see you! #thingstodoinportlandmaine #portlandmaine #holiday

Not much time left! Our Winter Wonderland Market kicks off tomorrow at 11 am, at 555 Congress Street!! Come get some yummy treats, check out our amazing craft vendors, and try your luck at our basket raffle. Everyone is welcome, we can’t wait to see you! #thingstodoinportlandmaine #portlandmaine #holiday

It’s Giving Tuesday! Your donation to Core can help us tell the story and continue to provide education, entertainment, and enlightenment to our community. Visit our website to donate today or stop by one of our locations and pick up a poster featuring the art in this video. #givingtuesday

It’s Giving Tuesday! Your donation to Core can help us tell the story and continue to provide education, entertainment, and enlightenment to our community. Visit our website to donate today or stop by one of our locations and pick up a poster featuring the art in this video. #givingtuesday

It’s Giving Tuesday! Your donation to Core can help us tell the story and continue to provide education, entertainment, and enlightenment to our community. Visit our website to donate today or stop by one of our locations and pick up a poster featuring the art in this video. #givingtuesday

Today is #electionday around the country. In the past few years we’ve seen how vital the vote can be in moving away from upside-down drug policies and moving toward the public’s call for decriminalization of potentially beneficial plants. Let your voice be heard. #vote2023

Today is #electionday around the country. In the past few years we’ve seen how vital the vote can be in moving away from upside-down drug policies and moving toward the public’s call for decriminalization of potentially beneficial plants. Let your voice be heard. #vote2023

Today is #electionday around the country. In the past few years we’ve seen how vital the vote can be in moving away from upside-down drug policies and moving toward the public’s call for decriminalization of potentially beneficial plants.

Let your voice be heard. #vote2023