In the News

“There’s this tremendous phenotypic diversity (within cannabis) whether that’s the branching structure, the leaf morphology, the aroma, the perceived effects when you consume it or the therapeutic outcomes…” Delve into this subject and more at The Science of Cannabis Sativa Genetics & Breeding, Master Class with Dr. Lynch, PhD. Join us, Tuesday, August 24th. Click the link to learn more and to sign-up. Presented by @seedyourhead and @bountifulfarms #corecannabismuseum #masterclass #cannabisgenetics #cannabisbreeding #drlynch

“There’s this tremendous phenotypic diversity (within cannabis) whether that’s the branching structure, the leaf morphology, the aroma, the perceived effects when you consume it or the therapeutic outcomes…” Delve into this subject and more at The Science of Cannabis Sativa Genetics & Breeding, Master Class with Dr. Lynch, PhD. Join us, Tuesday, August 24th. Click the link to learn more and to sign-up. Presented by @seedyourhead and @bountifulfarms #corecannabismuseum #masterclass #cannabisgenetics #cannabisbreeding #drlynch