In the News

This veteran firefighter and military vet was fired after testing positive for marijuana. He is a certified medical marijuana patient who uses cannabis to treat back pain and PTSD from his time in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is fighting to get his job back. #coremuseum #socialjusticecannabismuseum #bostonmuseum #cannabismuseum #cannabisforveterans #cannabisforptsd #coreissue #:~:text=ScottMartina12year,doesn’tdenyusingmarijuana.&text=Medicalmarijuanahasbeenlegal,CareActHollandpointedout.

This veteran firefighter and military vet was fired after testing positive for marijuana. He is a certified medical marijuana patient who uses cannabis to treat back pain and PTSD from his time in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is fighting to get his job back. #coremuseum #socialjusticecannabismuseum #bostonmuseum #cannabismuseum #cannabisforveterans #cannabisforptsd #coreissue #:~:text=ScottMartina12year,doesn’tdenyusingmarijuana.&text=Medicalmarijuanahasbeenlegal,CareActHollandpointedout.