Yes. It does.
#americanwarden #coreissue #ripbillhicks
#core #corecannabis #socialjusticecannabismuseum #bostonmuseum #billhicks
Yes. It does.
#americanwarden #coreissue #ripbillhicks
#core #corecannabis #socialjusticecannabismuseum #bostonmuseum #billhicks
“Cannabis has always been used as a tool to target minorities”
Curating Council Member, Niambe Tosh, shares the history of the term “marijuana” during a 4/20 live stream tour of the American Warden exhibition @corecannabismuseum
#americanwarden #corecannabismuseum #coreissue #internationalpetertoshday #petertosh420 #bostondispensary #bostoncannabis
Let’s keep the momentum going America!
#core #corecannabis #coreissue #socialjusticecannabismuseum #bostonmuseum
What your paraphernalia looks like can be a strong indication of where you are from and the traditions associated with cannabis consumption in your community.
This steam chalice used to vape cannabis is culturally associated with Rastafarians from the Caribbean.
What does your paraphernalia say about you?
#corecannabismuseum #socialjustcannabismuseum #coreissue #bostonmuseum #museum
4/20 is also International Peter Tosh Day.
See live performances from Peter Tosh, his son Jawara McIntosh, aka Tosh1, and other reggae icons, streaming today in the Museum.
#420 #internationalpetertoshday #petertosh420 #corecannabismuseum #cannabismuseum #justiceforjawara
Curating council member, Niambe McIntosh will be giving virtual tours today and tomorrow.
Niambe is a Dorchester native and the youngest daughter of Peter Tosh.
The tours will be streamed on Instagram and Facebook Live.
@ms__tosh @petertosh
#core #corecannabismuseum #socialjusticecannabismuseum #petertosh420
So grateful to Melody Cunningham for honoring our ribbon cutting ceremony. Melody and Peter Tosh’s son, Jawara, lost his life to the war on cannabis.
Hear his tragic story in the American Warden exhibition.
#petertoshday #justiceforjawara #coreissue
Cannabis is still shackled.
#coreissue #core #corecannabismuseum #socialjusticecannabismuseum
America is the most prolific warden in the world.
One in thirteen American men born after 2001 will face incarceration. This statistic should alarm you.
#americanwarden #coreissue #core #corecannabismuseum
Cannabis 1, American Drug Policy 0. 🏅
#coreissue #core #corecannabismuseum