Past Exhibition
American Warden
The current collection, American Warden, urges guests to scrutinize incarceration in America against the backdrop of cannabis prohibition. While many states have now legalized or decriminalized cannabis, the number of arrests for possession and distribution are still alarmingly high and Thousands of humans are currently incarcerated for cannabis related offenses. These facts are disturbingly juxtaposed against the multibillion-dollar cannabis industry that currently benefits industry giants as well as state and federal tax authorities.

The heart of the exhibition
The heart of the exhibition is the story of Jawara Tosh, youngest son of legendary reggae artist and founding member of the Wailers, Peter Tosh.
In a story so poetic it defies reality, his sister Niambe McIntosh recounts how Jawara lost his life to the inequitable system his father so urgently railed against in his music.
#LegalizeIt #EqualRights&Justice